Live Law

2024-01-30 09:34:36.0

  • Khanna J : when we are referring to article 30, does that definition apply here?

    Dwivedi: no, this definitions are applicable independently I had made a submission that the object of article 30 is safeguard , protection from that flows dominance, so this definition is apt...

    Khanna J : also dominance can keep on varying from time to time, if we talk about political dominance it can vary from time to time

    CJI: and dominance is also a function of socioeconomic advancement , what if there's a community which does not have the benefit of education as the Muslims were at that time, the community was not highly advance socially, economically etc

    Dwivedi ; from the angle of western education everybody was a minority. if this test is applied...this all started in 1957 universities there were hardly 5 so we were all in the same position its not that the hindus had western education and the Muslims did not have 

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