'Use Your Knowledge And Power To Change The System': Acting Chief Justice Manmohan To Delhi High Court Women Lawyers

Nupur Thapliyal

4 May 2024 2:30 AM GMT

  • Use Your Knowledge And Power To Change The System: Acting Chief Justice Manmohan To Delhi High Court Women Lawyers

    Acting Chief Justice Manmohan on Friday appreciated the Delhi High Court Women Lawyers Forum for forming a collective body to promote gender equality and asked the women lawyers to use their power and knowledge to change the existing system.“I am very happy that you have formed a collective body for the cause of promoting gender equality. And it is the need of the hour. And it is very good...

    Acting Chief Justice Manmohan on Friday appreciated the Delhi High Court Women Lawyers Forum for forming a collective body to promote gender equality and asked the women lawyers to use their power and knowledge to change the existing system.

    “I am very happy that you have formed a collective body for the cause of promoting gender equality. And it is the need of the hour. And it is very good that you have organized yourselves. When I joined the profession, there was only one lady judge in court and today there are nine judges who are ladies,” ACJ said.

    ACJ Manmohan was speaking at the 3rd Annual Tea Soirée organized by the Delhi High Court Women Lawyers Forum at India Habitat Centre.

    Delivering a candid address, the Acting Chief Justice said that the male dominated bar association may not invite ladies but the Delhi High Court Women Lawyers Forum, managed by the ladies, called male judges because they are “large hearted and have open minds.”

    Talking about women representation in the Delhi judiciary, he said:

    “I am sure that with time the ratio will get better. In fact, if you look at the higher judicial service, you will find that the ratio is it's about 67% male dominated and 33% females. When you go to the Delhi judicial service, which is the lower service, you will find that it is nearly the reverse, in the sense that in the last two years, the recruitment that has taken place is 67% females at 33% males.”

    “I think it is time for a reverse quota. And the good part is that once they are at the base at such a large number, they will have much more opportunity to come up and to occupy positions because the pool has been limited as of now.” 

    ACJ Manmohan also said that when a collective group like the women lawyers forum is formed, it greatly facilitate the cause they are promoting.

    “So I wish you a lot of energy when you're trying to grow. And I will also say one thing that you people are trained in law. You people realize where the fault line is. You people must use your knowledge, your skills will change the system,” he said.

    The ACJ also said that the permanent commission for women in the army, as directed by the Supreme Court, is a big step forward which has only happened because the power of law and Constitution of India was used.

    “So you are people with immense power with immense talent. You must use the skills that you have to promote the cause in which you believe. I think that you must appreciate and understand that it is you who will have to bring about the change,” he said.

    Furthermore, ACJ Manmohan said that no one should believe that they are disabled and that women lawyers have to exercise their rights.

    “And you have to ensure that proper recognition is given to you. You must have an unflinching faith in the Constitution and the laws and the spirit to change the situation as it exists today. If you have the power, the will, I'm sure we'll be able to achieve much better results,” he said.

    Also speaking at the event was Justice Rekha Palli, who expressed happiness to see an auditorium filled with young as well as senior women lawyers.

    “In this forum as I think I've been assured that there is no one person every time. I've been attending functions of this forum, I see every new person comes to speak, a new person is given the opportunity. That is what every forum should be like that,” she said.

    Justice Palli also said that women can never progress if they don't stand for each other. This is what was missing for many years, she said.

    “I always remember, one American politician said that as a woman if I fail, nobody is going to say she has failed, they will say they are no good. That means women. And so whenever you are doing something, remember you are representing the class altogether,” she added.

    Justice Palli further said that as women lawyers, they are already doing double work and are juggling their home and duties efficiently.

    “…in fact, from the figures as Justice Manmohan shared (67% women in the DJS), that shows despite doing the work at home you are you are you doing so well,” she said.

    The judge added: “So Please have faith confidence in yourself and keep doing well. Just remember, the new dawn is coming and when this dawn actually approaches you will have to thank all these remarkable women who stood when they were very few of us very very few of you will have to tie these women.”

    “This profession is for you. Don't be dissuaded by anybody that this is not a women profession here. If we have reached this far, you will go further,” Justice Palli concluded.

    Other judges who attended the event are: Justice Rajiv Shakdher, Justice Suresh Kumar Kait, Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva, Justice V Kameswar Rao, Justice Anup Jairam Bhambhani, Justice Navin Chawla, Justice Prateek Jalan, Justice Subramonium Prasad, Justice Jasmeet Singh, Justice Prathiba M Singh, Justice Manmeet Pritam Singh Arora, Justice Jyoti Singh, Justice Amit Bansal, Justice Sudhir Kumar Jain, Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Justice Saurabh Banerjee, Justice Vibhu Bakhru, Justice Tara Vitasta Ganju and Justice Anish Dayal. 

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