Madhya Pradesh HC Issues Notice To Actress Kareena Kapoor For Using Word 'Bible' In Title Of Her Book On Pregnancy

Bhavya Singh

15 May 2024 7:34 AM GMT

  • Madhya Pradesh HC Issues Notice To Actress Kareena Kapoor For Using Word Bible In Title Of Her Book On Pregnancy

    The Madhya Pradesh High Court has issued notice to actor Kareena Kapoor Khan on a petition raising objections to the use of the word "Bible" in the title of her book on pregnancy.Filed in 2022 by lawyer Christopher Anthony, the petition seeks legal action against Khan and others for allegedly offending Christian sentiments with the title "Kareena Kapoor Khan's Pregnancy Bible: The Ultimate...

    The Madhya Pradesh High Court has issued notice to actor Kareena Kapoor Khan on a petition raising objections to the use of the word "Bible" in the title of her book on pregnancy.

    Filed in 2022 by lawyer Christopher Anthony, the petition seeks legal action against Khan and others for allegedly offending Christian sentiments with the title "Kareena Kapoor Khan's Pregnancy Bible: The Ultimate Manual for Moms-To-Be."

    Justice GS Ahluwalia of the High Court issued the notice to Khan on Thursday, also extending it to co-author Aditi Shah Bhimjyani, e-commerce giant Amazon Online Shopping, publisher Juggernaut Books, the Madhya Pradesh government, the Superintendent of Police in Jabalpur, and the officer-in-charge of the Omti police station in the city.

    Anthony initially filed a complaint with the local police station after Khan's book on pregnancy was released in August 2021. However, the police declined to register a case. Undeterred, Anthony took his grievance to a magistrate court seeking similar recourse, only to have his plea dismissed.

    Subsequently, he appealed to the Sessions Court, which also denied his request for relief.

    In his petition, Anthony contended that Khan, a film artist, had a history of disrespecting the Christian community. He cited her previous involvement in a controversial "Item Song" in the film "Brothers," where the lyrics referenced Mary, a revered figure in Christianity.

    Anthony accused Khan of further offence by titling her pregnancy book "Kareena Kapoor Khan Pregnancy Bible," alleging that it was a deliberate attempt to insult the sacred scriptures of Christians, Jews, and other religious sects. He argued that as a well-educated individual with international exposure, Khan was fully aware of the significance of the term "Bible" and its sanctity.

    He asserted in the petition, “The Christian community being a peaceful and literate community of people condemned this inferior act of insulting our religious scripture by - means of peaceful protest rather than being violent and taking the laws for granted but had handed over the letter of dissent representing the anger of the Christian Community to the concerned Police officials.”

    The next hearing of the case is scheduled to take place on July 1.

    Case Title: Case Title: Christopher Anthony v. Kareena Kapoor Khan

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