KS - I showed the Karnataka order. Then your... ... [LIVE UPDATES FROM SC] Maharashtra Govt.Formation- Hearing On Petitions Filed By Shiva Sena,NCP And Congress

KS - I showed the Karnataka order. Then your lordships will find on Para 5,6,7 of the compilation I have given. All these orders are consistent with regards to the conduction of a floor test. They don’t want to do it because they want to use the intervening period for something else. If they say that they have majority, they must show it.

J. Ramana - He has to show it today ?

KS - At 7, we say that we are going to form a government.

Sr. Adv. AMS - There are certain things which are needed:

1. Satisfied

2. Satisfaction based on written document.

3. Written document with a signature.

4. Physical verification of the same.

Could the Governor have done this between 7pm and 5am ?

This document that I have right now is conclusive. What is the basis of this Dty. CM and CM being sworn ? The NCP had a meeting removing Ajit Pawar with 41 signatures. This is provocation. This is to shock you.

54 is total NCP. 41 have signed. This is yesterday 3.30. How can Ajit Pawar be the Deputy ? Is this not murder of democracy ?

Update: 2019-11-24 06:28 GMT

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