Amritsar District Commission Holds Lenskart Liable For Selling Inferior Eye Glasses, Orders Refund And Compensation

Update: 2023-10-16 09:30 GMT
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The Amritsar District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission bench comprising Jagdishwar Kumar Chopra (President) and Lakhwinder Pal Gill (Member) held Lenskart liable for unfair trade practices for selling eyeglasses of inferior quality to the complainant which subsequently led to significant discomfort, eye pain, and severe headaches to him. Brief...

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The Amritsar District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission bench comprising Jagdishwar Kumar Chopra (President) and Lakhwinder Pal Gill (Member) held Lenskart liable for unfair trade practices for selling eyeglasses of inferior quality to the complainant which subsequently led to significant discomfort, eye pain, and severe headaches to him.

Brief Facts:

Sukhjinder Singh (“Complainant”) purchased a pair of eyeglasses from Lenskart. Lenskart offered these eyeglasses at a discounted price of Rs. 2,800, down from the original price of Rs. 5,000. The complainant was attracted to this offer and made the purchase. However, after a short period of using the glasses, he began experiencing significant discomfort, eye pain, and severe headaches.

The complainant visited Lenskart's branch in Majitha Road, Amritsar, and explained his issues. Lenskart assured him that the glasses were of high quality and recommended that he wear them regularly for another month to get used to them. Despite following this advice, the complainant's discomfort persisted and even worsened due to what he alleged to be the inferior quality of the glasses, frames, and other materials used in the eyeglasses. The technician at Lenskart also determined the prescription incorrectly, causing further issues with his eyes.

Frustrated by these problems, the complainant lodged several online complaints. In October 2022, he handed over the eyeglasses to Lenskart for inspection and requested that the issues be resolved. Lenskart assured him that they would address the problems. However, upon receiving the eyeglasses back from Lenskart a week later, the complainant found additional scratches and cracks on both the frames and the glasses, making the eyeglasses even more unsuitable for use.

Despite further attempts to engage with Lenskart and seek a refund or a replacement for the defective eyeglasses, the complainant received no satisfactory response. Aggrieved, the complainant filed a consumer complaint in the Amritsar District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (“District Commission”).

The complainant contended that Lenskart had sold him a product of inferior quality. He experienced discomfort, eye pain, and headaches while using the eyeglasses and even observed visible defects in the glasses and frames. He alleged that Lenskart's technician had inaccurately determined the prescription, causing further issues. He made several online complaints and requested a refund or a replacement from Lenskart, but these requests were not met. He sought a refund, compensation for mental agony and inconvenience, and litigation expenses.

Observations by the Commission:

Firstly, the District Commission noted that the complainant had substantiated his claims through evidence, including an invoice, a series of online complaints, and an affidavit. Despite heeding Lenskart's advice to continue using them, his issues not only persisted but escalated due to the perceived substandard quality of the eyeglasses and frames. It further noted that the technician at Lenskart inaccurately determined the prescription for the eyeglasses.

The District Commission further observed that the complainant made diligent efforts to seek redress from Lenskart, including returning the eyeglasses for inspection and requesting a refund or replacement.

The District Commission, having considered these facts and circumstances, has concluded that Lenskart engaged in unfair trade practices by delivering a product of subpar quality and inadequately responding to the complainant's concerns. Consequently, the District Commission ordered Lenskart to refund the purchase price of the sunglasses to the complainant. In addition to the refund, it was also directed to pay a compensation amount of Rs. 5,000 to the complainant. Further, a sum of Rs. 3,000 was awarded to the complainant as litigation expenses, recognizing the expenses incurred in pursuing this case.

Case: Sukhjinder Singh vs Lenskart Solutions Ltd.

Case No.: CC/144/2023

Advocate for the Complainant: Sh. Munish Kohli

Advocate for the Respondent: Ex Parte

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