Nawab Malik Habeas Corpus Plea- Bombay High Court Hearing- LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2022-03-09 05:27 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2022-03-09 05:38 GMT

Desai reads that incase where a party approaches the Court with a grievance that he is made to subject to criminal proceedings by initiating investigation by registering the FIR in relation to acts prior to the Statutes an Article 226 petition would be entertained.

2022-03-09 05:31 GMT

Desai is now reading a BombayHC judgement in Altaf Ismail Shailh vs State of Maha.

J Varale - So Mr Desai, after travelling from Andhra Pradesh, Supreme Court, Punjab, we are finally back to our state.

Desai - Our HC goes very lucidly into the jurisprudence. 

2022-03-09 05:30 GMT

Desai is reading SC's judgement in Virendra Singh vs State of Punjab 

2022-03-09 05:30 GMT

Desai refers to the Supreme Court's order on former finance minister P Chidambaram's ABA in a PMLA Case.

Paras 41 and 42

2022-03-09 05:30 GMT

Desai submits that several offences were added to the schedule of the PMLA after 2009, which includes offences of conspiracy under section 120b of the IPC and Section 13 of the PC Act. 

2022-03-09 05:30 GMT

Desai is referring to Arun Kumar Mishra's judgement on retrospective applicability of the law. 

2022-03-09 05:29 GMT

Sr Adv Desai resumes his arguments.

1st Judgement is on the Ex Post Facto Doctrine.

"Just like Dawood Ibrahim, this incident will become part of a folklore."

2022-03-09 05:29 GMT

Hearing before Justices PB Varale and SM Modak begins. 


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