Delhi Court Allows De-Sealing Of Uphaar Cinema, Says No Purpose Would Be Served To Keep Property Sealed

Update: 2023-08-03 10:54 GMT
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A Delhi Court yesterday allowed the de-sealing of Uphaar cinema which was closed after a fire tragedy in 1996 during screening of Bollywood movie Border that resulted in death of 59 people trapped inside, while 103 were seriously injured in the resulting stampede.Principal District & Sessions Judge Sanjay Garg of Patiala House Court observed that the trial in the case has reached finality...

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A Delhi Court yesterday allowed the de-sealing of Uphaar cinema which was closed after a fire tragedy in 1996 during screening of Bollywood movie Border that resulted in death of 59 people trapped inside, while 103 were seriously injured in the resulting stampede.

Principal District & Sessions Judge Sanjay Garg of Patiala House Court observed that the trial in the case has reached finality and absolutely no purpose would be served to keep the property in question sealed.

The court allowed an application moved on behalf of M/s Ansal Theartres & Clubotels Pvt. Ltd., the entity which started the operations at Uphaar cinema way back in 1973, seeking directions for de-sealing or release of the property.

“The application is thereby allowed and property in question be de-sealed and released to the applicant being the rightful owner,” the court said.

It added: “Regarding FIR No. 432/1997 dated 13.06.1996 related to unfortunate Uphaar tragedy, not only the trial stands concluded but even the appeal in the Apex Court stands disposed. Admitted by the sole objector Ms. Neelam Krishnamoorthy, President of AVUT, no proceeding either criminal or civil relating to such incident is sub judice anywhere.”

The development came after the Supreme Court in April allowed the Ansal Brothers, who were convicted for negligence in the Uphaar fire tragedy case, to move an application before the trial court for de-sealing of the theatre hall and get back its custody.

Ansal Theaters and Club hotels Pvt. Ltd. approached the Apex Court in 2010 seeking de-sealing of the theatre premises. It was the entity’s case that even after the victims were paid the compensation due, the theatre and its premises were not returned to them.

Ansals and former court staff Dinesh Chand Sharma and two others - PP Batra and Anoop Singh were awarded 7-year-jail term each in November 2021, by the trial court in the evidence tampering case.

However, in July last year, after upholding the conviction, Principal District & Sessions Court released Ansals against the period already undergone by them in jail.

CMM Pankaj Sharma had convicted Ansals and others under Sections 201 (tampering of evidence), 120B (criminal conspiracy) and 409 (criminal breach of trust by public servant) of the Indian Penal Code.

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