[LIVE UPDATES] Disha Ravi Case : Channel Editors To Ensure Editorial Control To Avoid Sensationalism, Delhi High Court Says

Update: 2021-02-19 05:14 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2021-02-19 05:55 GMT

Adv Kunal Tandon for TimesNow : Firstly all the information was in the public domain, so we haven't violated her right to privacy. Secondly, the Puttuswamy judgment too says that the right is subject to public interest.

2021-02-19 05:52 GMT

Baruah reads out a judgment. My article is of February 16th 2021, it is the admitted position of the Petitioner that the matter was out in the public domain by February 15th, therefore I haven't violated her privacy. 

2021-02-19 05:49 GMT

Baruah: I have a few judgments to show, Your Lordship.

J. Singh: Show me your best one.

2021-02-19 05:48 GMT

Baruah: If right to privacy is part of right to dignity, are all WhatsApp chats protected? 

2021-02-19 05:47 GMT

Baruah: If your Lordship sees the petition, it proceeds on the line that the messages were leaked.

If your Lordship sees the judgment of Sudarshan TV news also, those are cases where the material was palpable false.

Here, no such case is made.

2021-02-19 05:45 GMT

Sr. Adv. Hrishikesh Baruah for India Today 

: There is only one allegation against me. There was a digital write up, no news broadcast at all. Therefore the Cable News Programme Code doesn't apply to me

2021-02-19 05:44 GMT

Delhi HC: There is no doubt that the video is very, very sensational. It is extremely sensational. 

2021-02-19 05:43 GMT

ASG Raju: Why is she not questioning the people to whom the messages were sent? Why defame the Delhi Police

2021-02-19 05:42 GMT

ASG Raju: She is defaming and vilifying the police to put pressure on the Delhi Police

- it is a systematic attempt to blame the police and derail investigation. The police seized the phone on 13th, the messages were sent on 3rd.

2021-02-19 05:41 GMT

Delhi HC: Is the MHA memorandum operative?

ASG Raju: Yes it is.


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