Breaking: Maharashtra Floor Test- Supreme Court To Pronounce Order At 9 PM Today-LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2022-06-29 14:45 GMT
Live Updates - Page 5
2022-06-29 14:25 GMT

SG : Your lordships have not interdicted the Speaker. The Constitution Bench's writ interdicts him. Having cleared that doubt, I could not understand how my order is bad. 

2022-06-29 14:22 GMT

SG : Speaker cannot decide his voters list. Speaker cannot decide his electoral college.

2022-06-29 14:21 GMT

SG : Your lordship asked if the office of the Speaker can be misused when the Govt loses majority. One can always ask some member to present disqualification petition and I as a Speaker can decide the electoral college. So I will be deciding who will be voting on removal

2022-06-29 14:18 GMT

Singh concludes.

Solicitor General now appears for Governor.

SG : First of all, the argument that your lordships have interdicted the Speaker is wrong. It is not the lordship's order but the law which has interdicted him.

SG reads Nabam Rebia.

2022-06-29 14:16 GMT

Justice Kant : We don't think the matter will become infructous. Suppose if we find later that floor test was conducted without authority, we can annul it. It is not an irreversible situation.

2022-06-29 14:15 GMT

Singh : By refusing their prayer, your lordships will be meeting the objectives of 10th schedule. The writ petition is filed with support of 16 out of 55. 

2022-06-29 14:11 GMT

Singh : Taking the floor test to prove the majority is the principle of natural justice, not asking for the test to be stayed.

2022-06-29 14:09 GMT

Singh : Their argument is that the Governor acted without aid and advice of the ministers. There are judgments to show that the aid of ministers is not required for Floor Test.

2022-06-29 14:06 GMT

Kaul concludes.

Senior Adv Maninder Singh now argues to supplement Kaul's submissions.

"Whenever your lordships have sat late is to order a floor test. This is the first time when it is to stop a floor test" - Singh

2022-06-29 14:05 GMT

Kaul : There are 9 independent MLAs have also given us our support. It is the hopeless minority of 14 who are opposing us.


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