[Rajasthan Assembly Speaker's Plea Against HC Order] Live Updates From Supreme Court

Update: 2020-07-23 05:37 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2020-07-23 06:31 GMT

ibal’s Internet connection wavers, so everyone is waiting.

Sr. Adv. Harish Salve tells the Bench that HC has kept the matter for tomorrow to pass Order.

Justice Mishra - You think we are not aware of that ?

2020-07-23 06:27 GMT

Justice Gavai - You were only asked to wait one day. Till July 24.

Sibal - Court could not say that. If you may only suspend last two words.”

2020-07-23 06:27 GMT

Justice Gavai refers to another judgment that Sibal has refered to and asks, “How are you aggrieved if the Speaker acts as Tribunal ?

Sibal - I never said I'm aggrieved, milord. Courts can ask a Speaker to decide the issue, but can't say they cannot decide.

2020-07-23 06:26 GMT

Justice Mishra, “They had all been elected by the people. Can they not express their dissent?”

Sibal submits that the SC had upheld this before &, in this regard, the Court cannot enter this under Art. 226.

Justice Mishra, “It is a matter of just one day. Why can’t you wait?

2020-07-23 06:24 GMT

Justice Mishra - In this case, it seems party members can't raise their own voice against their own party.

“Voice of dissent cannot be suppressed.”

2020-07-23 06:21 GMT

Justice Mishra - Why are you looking pained, Mr. Sibal ?

Sibal - I'm not pained at all. There's so much going on around, I've stopped feeling pained. I'm happy that Mr. Salve is smiling.”

2020-07-23 06:16 GMT

Sibal differentiates this situation from 2(1)(a) of Tenth Schedule.

“Whip would play a role when there's voting, but not in this case. There is an MLA, Hemaram Chaudhary, who acted with allies to destabilise INC. This group is led by@SachinPilot

2020-07-23 06:14 GMT

J. Mishra asks about Speaker’s role.

Speaker issued notice in the Disqualification Petition before him, asked for written submissions & was due to hear it on July 27.

“Court can’t intervene till a decision is taken; ours is a purely constitutional submission”, submits Sibal.

2020-07-23 06:12 GMT

Sibal, “Whip moves a notice when a member voluntarily wishes to leave, or indicates it.

SachinPilot camp had talked to Aaj Tak, & wanted a floor test. Their actions conveyed that they wished to leave - refused to attend party, went to a hotel in Haryana & were incommunicado.”

2020-07-23 06:08 GMT

Justice Mishra seeking clarification regarding how hollohan case is relevant in this matter, as it deals with speaker and not whip

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