"Historically Linked With Militant Groups": Plea In Kerala High Court Challenges Naming Of Youth Festival As 'Intifada'

Update: 2024-03-02 03:45 GMT
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A plea has been moved beofre the Kerala High CO challenging the naming of a youth festival, 'Intifada' being conducted at NSS College, Nilamel.The petitioner, a first-year student at the NSS College, Nilamel submitted that naming the youth festival 'Intifada', an Arabic word which translates to 'shake off' cannot be used as it has been “historically linked with the militant/ terror groups...

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A plea has been moved beofre the Kerala High CO challenging the naming of a youth festival, 'Intifada' being conducted at NSS College, Nilamel.

The petitioner, a first-year student at the NSS College, Nilamel submitted that naming the youth festival 'Intifada', an Arabic word which translates to 'shake off' cannot be used as it has been “historically linked with the militant/ terror groups like the Hamas of Palestine”.

“There is no place for politics or geopolitics in a youth festival. Israel-Palestine conflict cannot be the point of discussion or the theme of creative expression” states the plea.

The petitioner pointed out that the logo depicts the scarf of Palestine on the map of Israel.

The plea adds that the logo does not suit an art and cultural festival and would instead “result in creation of division in the student fraternity” and runs counter to the spirit of Article 51 of the Constitution of India which directs the state to endeavor to promote the international peace and maintain just and honorable relations between nations.

Aggrieved by this, the petitioner moved the High Court to direct the respondents to remove the logo/emblem used for the youth festival.

A single-judge bench of Justice PV Kunhikrishnan will be hearing the matter. Notice has been issued to all parties.

Case Title: Ashish AS v. Union of India and ors.

Case Number: WP(C) 8526 of 2024


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