Man Attempts Suicide In Kerala High Court, Stable

Update: 2023-09-04 09:48 GMT
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TW: Some readers may find the following content disturbing; Reader's discretion advised.A resident of Thrissur attempted suicide inside the Kerala High Court today, in front of the chambers of Justice Anu Sivaraman.The man was called to the Court in a habeas corpus petition filed by the father of a 23-year-old law student. The father of the detenue girl averred that she had gone missing on...

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TW: Some readers may find the following content disturbing; Reader's discretion advised.

A resident of Thrissur attempted suicide inside the Kerala High Court today, in front of the chambers of Justice Anu Sivaraman.

The man was called to the Court in a habeas corpus petition filed by the father of a 23-year-old law student.

The father of the detenue girl averred that she had gone missing on August 14, 2023, and that she was in the illegal custody of the said man. The father further stated that the said man was an unemployed married man with a minor daughter, and thereby sought the release of his daughter. 

When the detenue was produced by the police before the Court today, she informed the Court that she wished to go with her parents. 

It is following the same that the man attempted suicide by slitting his wrist. He was subsequently admitted to a hospital, and his health condition remains stable.

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