[Live Updates] Chandra Shekhar Azad Bail Hearing

Update: 2020-01-15 08:55 GMT
Live Updates - Page 2
2020-01-15 09:16 GMT

Judge Lau- But if there's damage as an outcome of the protests then those who called must be liable.

Pracha : I bow down to that.

2020-01-15 09:16 GMT

Pracha reiterates that there was no violence, incitement by Azad. Plus he was calling for peace.

2020-01-15 09:15 GMT

"What happens if public property, paid by tax payers'money, is harmed?", Judge Lau asks.

2020-01-15 09:15 GMT

Judge Lau asks how many different people have called for protests.

Reiterates her earlier concern regarding damage to public property.

2020-01-15 09:14 GMT

Pracha- Azad


on the contrary was asking people to be non violent. He was serving tea

2020-01-15 09:14 GMT

Judge Lau- their case is that if he's let out, there's Danger of incitement of violence. If he indulges in similar activities there's fear that it may lead to something violent happening.

2020-01-15 09:13 GMT

Judge Lau: We have our own ideology, RSS has its own, others have their ideology, which is fine.

Pracha reads few other tweets. Which seem fine to Judge Lau.

2020-01-15 09:12 GMT

"Ambedkarites don't engage in violence, those who are engaging are RSS people" Pracha refers to another tweet by Azad.

Judge Lau- Why name RSS, just talk about yourself. Naming someone else might incite

2020-01-15 09:11 GMT

Pracha reads more tweets. One of them is that no one from bhim army will indulge in violence.

2020-01-15 09:11 GMT

Pracha clarifies that the post has in reference to imposition of Section 144.

Judge- But there are times when 144 is needed. We must remember that when we talk of rights, we must remember our duties. My right ends when it encroaches upon anothers

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