Calcutta High Court Directs Former Andaman Chief Secretary Charged With Gang Rape To Appear Before SIT

Update: 2022-10-27 12:30 GMT

The Calcutta High Court's Circuit Bench at Port Blair on Friday, while dealing with an anticipatory bail application filed by Jitendra Narain, a former chief secretary of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, ordered him to appear before the Special Investigation Team ('SIT'). The petitioner is facing investigation in connection with the alleged offence of gang rape committed on on 14th...

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The Calcutta High Court's Circuit Bench at Port Blair on Friday, while dealing with an anticipatory bail application filed by Jitendra Narain, a former chief secretary of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, ordered him to appear before the Special Investigation Team ('SIT').

The petitioner is facing investigation in connection with the alleged offence of gang rape committed on on 14th April, 2022 and 1st May, 2022 respectively. He was transferred to Delhi on July 21 to join his new assignment. It was his case that while in Delhi, his house was raided by police officials from the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Delhi, which prompted him to file an application for transit anticipatory bail before the Delhi High Court.

A single bench of the Delhi High Court had granted interim protection from arrest to the petitioner, for extension of which period, the petitioner filed the present application before the Calcutta High Court on the ground that the next Circuit Bench at Port Blair will start from 14th November, 2022.

The division bench of Justice Bibek Chaudhuri and Justice Prasenjit Biswas, noting the matter to be urgent and one requiring immediate investigation, ordered the petitioner to appear before the SIT by October 28. It noted that Narain had earlier declared that he is ready and willing to co-operate with the investigation.

The Court also directed that it shall be open for the SIT to interrogate and take all other steps as for example: medical examination of the petitioner in course of such interrogation.

Case Title: Jitendra Narain v. State (UT of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)

Citation: C.R.M. (A) 5 of 2022

Coram: Justice Bibek Chaudhuri and Justice Prasenjit Biswas

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