[TRP Scam- Arnab Goswami Vs Mumbai Police] Bombay HC Hearing On Republic's Plea To Quash FIR [Live-Updates]

Update: 2020-10-19 06:42 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2020-10-19 07:28 GMT

Sibal says he agrees with the Court and that he has raised his voice against agencies for leaking information media.

But there is another side of the story, Sibal adds. He says many channels, including #Republic are carrying out media trial.

2020-10-19 07:27 GMT

The bench expresses concerns about police interviews to media.

"We are not saying only about the present matter. It is happening in other sensitive matters where investigation is pending. Officers are not supposed to reveal incriminatory material", J Shinde.

2020-10-19 07:27 GMT

Sibal cites the decision in (2002) 3 SCC 89 @ 96-97 for his proposition that mala fides are not relevant in criminal investigation.

2020-10-19 07:26 GMT

Mala fides has no relevance in criminal investigation. Materials produced in furtherance of investigation are relevant. We are yet to reach that stage : Sibal

2020-10-19 07:23 GMT

There is no mention of Republic in the FIR. So how can it be quashed? : Sibal

2020-10-19 07:23 GMT

The investigation so far has revealed many things. We are happy to share the same with the Court. Several statements have been recorded : Sibal 

2020-10-19 07:22 GMT

The SC had not quashed the main FIR registered at Mumbai with respect to #Palghar coverage. In any case, my point is that Palghar has no connection with the present FIR : Sibal

2020-10-19 07:18 GMT

The SC ordered the consolidation of different FIRs at my concession : Sibal

2020-10-19 07:17 GMT

The incident at Palghar has got nothing to do with the FIR : Sibal

2020-10-19 07:17 GMT

The investigation is at a nascent stage. How can the FIR be quashed at this stage? Sibal.


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