"In case the summons is received, Salve stated that #ArnabGoswami will appear and cooperate with the investigation", the bench adds in the order.
19 Oct 2020 1:29 PM IST
Bench adds in the order.
"As on date, Arnab Gosawmi is not an accused in the FIR. In case, the investigating officer proposes to array him as an accused, in that case, the officer will issue summons to him in the first instance"
19 Oct 2020 1:25 PM IST
Bench : We will only say if the investigating officer wants to question him, summons will be issued. When summons is issued, where is the question of arrest? And in case of urgency, we will grant you liberty to move urgently here.
19 Oct 2020 1:25 PM IST
Salve : The police commissioner has accused him in a press conference.
Sibal : Police commissioner said Republic TV.
Salve : Republic TV is him (Arnab Goswami).
19 Oct 2020 1:25 PM IST
Salve : Till the next date of hearing, don't arrest him.
Bench : He is not accused in the crime. How can we pass such an order?
19 Oct 2020 1:24 PM IST
Salve : I thought Sibal was saying that they will not arrest him(Arnab Goswami) and not to record that statement formally. But now I understand that is not the position.
19 Oct 2020 1:23 PM IST
Salve says that Sibal has said that he will not be arrested.
Sibal : I never gave any commitment that he (Arnab Goswami) will not be arrested. I said that he should cooperate with the investigation.
19 Oct 2020 1:23 PM IST
Bombay HC issues notice on the petition. Calls for the investigation papers in sealed cover. Decides to hear the petition finally on November 5 at 3 PM.
19 Oct 2020 1:16 PM IST
Salve says that Arnab Goswami will cooperate with the investigation.
"If they (Mumbai Police) call him, I will go", Salve.
19 Oct 2020 1:16 PM IST
Sibal says that if summons is issued to Arnab Goswami he must cooperate with the investigation.
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