1st Justice Y.K. Sabharwal Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition 2018 [Oct 5-7, NLU Delhi]
aasavri Rai
28 May 2018 9:53 PM IST
![1st Justice Y.K. Sabharwal Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition 2018 [Oct 5-7, NLU Delhi] 1st Justice Y.K. Sabharwal Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition 2018 [Oct 5-7, NLU Delhi]](https://www.livelaw.in/cms/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/NLU-Delhi-LL-Size-min.jpg)
National Law University Delhi is organizing the 1st Justice YK Sabharwal Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition from 5th to 7th October 2018.
The Competition aims to foster and cultivate interest in constitutional law and philosophy. The Competition aims to challenge participants to engage in research on cutting-edge questions plaguing the best scholars in the field.
Structure of the Competition:
- Twelve teams will be selected through memorial eliminations to participate in the oral rounds in Delhi from 5th to 7th October 2018.
- The Competition will require the participants to work on two problems. The first problem will be used for memorial eliminations, preliminary oral rounds and the Quarter-Finals. The second problem will be used for the Semi-Finals and the Finals.
Provisional Registration:
- Provisional Registration must be done by sending an e-mail expressing interest to yksmoot@nludelhi.ac.in. This mail must also contain the contact details of the Moot Court Committee’s Convenor/Faculty-in-charge.
- Participation in the moot court competition is by invitation only. However, the Universities/Colleges (and not individual teams) may send an email indicating an interest to participate in the competition. The Organising Committee shall retain discretion to consider such applications.
- Moot Problem-I to be released: Second week of June 2018
- Last date for seeking clarifications on Moot Problem-I: 30th June 2018
- Clarifications to Moot Problem-I: 5th July 2018
- Deadline for Registrations: 20th July 2018
- Deadline for submissions of Memorials: 14th August 2018
- Release of Moot Problem-II: 20th August 2018
- Memorial Elimination Results: 10th September 2018
- Written Submissions for Moot Problem-II: 1st October 2018
- Oral Rounds: 5th- 7th October 2018
- Only one team can submit memorials from an institution and all participants in a team must be from the same institution.
- The competition is open to students currently registered in any 5-year integrated undergraduate law degree/ 3-year undergraduate law degree/ LL.M in India.
The Invitation for the Competition can be accessed here.
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