95 Law Clerks (Trainee) Vacancies at Allahabad High Court
Sukriti Singh
22 July 2015 8:52 AM IST

Applications are invited from all eligible candidates for the tenure post of ''Law Clerk (Trainee)'' in the establishment of High Court, Allahabad/Lucknow Bench.
Name of Post: Law Clerk (Trainee)
No of Posts: 95
Age Limit: The Candidates must have attained the minimum age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of more than 26 years as on 01.07.2015.
Pay Scale: Rs. 12500/-
Essential Qualifications
- Three Year /Five Years Integrated Degree in Law from any Law College or recognized University throughout the country.
- Applications shall be accepted from such 'Law Graduates' who have not started practice as an advocate or engaged in any other professional or vocation/service. Those who have appeared in LL.B. (Final) in 2014-15 Examination and are awaiting results may also apply.
- Law graduates having scored not less than 55% marks in their LL. B examination are only eligible to apply for Law Clerks (Trainee)
- Computer knowledge, i.e., Data Entry, Work Processing and Computer Operations.
How to Apply
- The application form along with one duly attested copy of High School Mark Sheet, High School Certificate in proof of age/date of birth, Intermediate Mark Sheet, Intermediate Pass Certificates, Graduation/Post Graduation Mark Sheets and Certificates and testimonials regarding Extra Curricular Activities and Computer Knowledge along with two self addressed envelope (size 5''x10'') each bearing postage stamps worth Rs. 35/- should be sent to the Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad either by Speed Post, Registered Post with AD or through Courier.
- The application forms can be purchased from the counter in the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad and at its Lucknow Bench on payment of Rs. 150/- in cash.
- The application forms are also available on the web site ( allahabadhighcourt.in ) and may be downloaded and used subject to payment of application form of Rs. 150/- to be paid through bank draft drawn in favour of Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad.
Last Date for Submission of Application: 07.08.2015
Click here to download the official notification and the application form.
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