Live Law

2024-01-30 09:34:49.0

  • CJI : what change took place on 26 january 1950 that the Muslims which according to you didn't have minority status suddenly got minority after 1950 ? what is the big change that took place

    Dwivedi: the big chance was that after whatever I had mentioned earlier the separate electorates, waited elections, two nation theory etc and from 1935-47 the entire AMU barring some exceptional individuals was pioneering the Pakistan movement.

    CJI: what happened in 26 Jan 1950?

    Dwivedi: by that time stood divided

    CJI : but in relation to your three fold test what is the change which takes place in 26 January 1950

    Dwivedi: those left behind, who had been beguiled in the theory of Pakistan, they were dependent upon the rule of majority under the constitution of India . Which is likely to be elements most often from the hindu community 

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