Call for Papers: JSS Journal for Legal Studies and Research
aasavri Rai
31 March 2018 10:45 AM IST

JSS Journal for Legal Studies and Research (JSSJLSR) covers review articles on various legal aspects and also publishes full-length reviews related to different subjects in law and that is of broad readership interest to users in the legal field.
All contributions to the journal are reviewed by peer review process and copy editing process with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents.
The JSSJLSR will cover only invited review articles related to legal subjects including some of the allied subjects. Articles with timely interest and newer research concepts will be given more preference. If you wish to write a review for the journal, please send details of the topics you wish to review, along with your credentials, to the Chief Editor, Prof. KS Suresh, at
The JSS Journal of Legal Studies and Research accepts submissions throughout the year. Articles, notes, essay, book review and comments for publication in JSSJLSR may be submitted at anytime. But for each issue, only those articles, notes and comments submitted on or before the last date of submission prescribed for that issue would be considered.
Submissions made after the last date of submission will be considered for subsequent issues. The schedule for considering the submissions for publication is as follows:
Volume I
- Issue Period: January – June
- Last Date for Submission: 31st March
Volume II
- Issue Period: July – December
- Last Date for Submission: 30th September
For further details, click here.