Call for Papers: Lexkhoj Research Journal of Law and Socio-Economic Issues, Vol. 1 Issue IV

Lexkhoj Research Journal of Law and Socio-Economic Issues is an open access law journal, publishing critical approaches to socio-legal study and multi-disciplinary analysis of issues related to law and socio-economic. The journal will strive to combine academic excellence with professional relevance and a practical focus by publishing wide varieties of research papers, insightful reviews, essays and articles by students, established scholars and professionals as well as by both domestic and international authors.
“Are you a change maker then there is no need of concerned as an issue of eligibility’’ let people know your eligibility by your own work.
Lexkhoj invites contributions from students, academicians, professionals, policy makers, regulators, think-tanks and researchers around the world.
Submissions which deal with any aspect of Legal, Social & Economic Issues will be considered for publication.
Guidelines for Submission:
- Maximum two authors permitted. Co-authoring of papers between individuals of the same or different institutions is permissible.
- All submissions should be accompanied by an abstract of about 200 words outlining the Central argument(s) of the paper.
- Word limit:
- Articles (2000-5000 words),
- Essays (2000 words),
- Book Review (1500 words).
- All submissions have to be in any Uniform citation style.
- Electronic submissions via email should be made in Word Format (.doc) or (.docx).
- Submissions should be emailed to us at
- Publication: The journal will be published at
Publication Fees:
- Single Author (Rs. 100),
- Co-author (Rs. 1200).
The account Details will be sent to those authors whose papers will be selected.
The authors are to submit their manuscripts by, 30th September 2017.
Manuscripts received after 30th September shall be considered for the next issue.
For further information or clarifications, you may also write to us at
Yogita Lohia
Phone: 8377963355
Facebook page: