Certificate Course in Securities Law National Institute of Securities and WBNUJS
Nikita Hora
17 April 2016 7:45 PM IST

West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) and National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) have designed a course on Securities Law. Certificate in Securities Law (CSL) is designed to enable the participant to understand the critical securities market processes, such as legal, due diligence and compliance. Those with a background in law will appreciate securities market inputs, and conversely, those with a securities market background will better understand compliance and due diligence. Securities market laws can be demarcated as distinct field of specialization, with a unique body of knowledge. This body of knowledge is undergoing continuous expansion and consolidation. New laws are being written, while old laws are being repealed.Â
- A 2 weeks classroom programme at a stretch for students batchÂ
- Convenient schedule and timings from 10.00 am to 5.30pmÂ
- Core faculty team being top academicians and officers from SEBI on deputation to NISMÂ
- Interface with market expertsÂ
- Globally benchmarked curriculum, updated regularlyÂ
- Policy-research based inputs, based on past experience and live projects â–ª Inputs on regulation from senior officers from SEBI and RBIÂ
- The course would be offered atleast twice in a year for both students and working ExecutivesÂ
- Last date for submission of completed application form: April 30, 2016Â
- Intimation to short listed candidates: May 10, 2016Â
- Last date for payment of fees by short listed candidates: May 15, 2016Â
- Programme commencement: May 20, 2016Â
The application forms may be downloaded from the websites www.nujs.edu or www.nism.ac.in and the duly filled in application form shall be forwarded to NUJS at the address given in the last page. Alternatively, the scan copy of the completed application form may also be sent by email to vaneetapatnaik@gmail.com or csl@nism.ac.inÂ
Click here for the Brochure.