Inaugural Of The Arbitration Bar Of India

Ausaf Ayyub & Isra Mukhtar

15 May 2024 1:56 AM GMT

  • Inaugural Of The Arbitration Bar Of India

    The inaugural ceremony of the Arbitration Bar of India (ABI) marked a significant milestone in the legal landscape of the country. Distinguished personalities from the legal fraternity attended the inaugural, certifying the pertinence of the event in the shaping and development of India's arbitration ecosystem. The occasion was in attendance of the External Affairs Minister Dr....

    The inaugural ceremony of the Arbitration Bar of India (ABI) marked a significant milestone in the legal landscape of the country. Distinguished personalities from the legal fraternity attended the inaugural, certifying the pertinence of the event in the shaping and development of India's arbitration ecosystem.

    The occasion was in attendance of the External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar, Minister of Railways, Communications and Electronics and Information Technology Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw, Attorney General for India Mr. R Venkataramani, Solicitor General Mr. Tushar Mehta and ABI President Mr. Gourab Banerji who graced the dais with their auspicious presence.

    Mr. Gourab Banerji, President of ABI, commenced the event by expressing his gratitude towards all attendees and highlighting the transformative journey that led to the establishment of ABI. Mr. Banerji outlined the core goals of the ABI, pledging its commitment to promoting gender and regional diversity by making the ABI accessible to women and practitioners across India. In lieu of upscaling the ABI's gender pledge, it shall be introducing chapters directed towards women in the near future.

    Among the main objectives, the ABI shall work on expanding the pool of competent arbitrators, particularly among the younger generation, to meet the growing demand for arbitration services. Additionally, another pertinent goal set by the ABI is to establish a network for knowledge sharing, standard setting and influencing policy reforms to further enhance India's standing in international arbitration forums.

    Mr. Banerji concluded his address by extending gratitude to Attorney General Mr. R Venkataramani, Solicitor General Mr. Tushar Mehta, and Honorary President Justice Hemant Gupta for their unwavering support towards the establishment of the ABI.

    Mr. Banerji's address was followed by the virtual lighting of the lamp, showcasing the ABI's commitment to inculcating modern technology and like practices in the Arbitration domain for relative ease of the practitioners.

    Following him, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, Honorary President of ABI, delivered a compelling address, accentuating the primary goal of the ABI to position India as a preferred seat and venue of Arbitration.

    Mr. Mehta brought into light, India's historical legacy in arbitration, stating that the concept originated in the country. He highlighted the exclusive practice of Arbitration in India and asserted India's self-reliance. He expressed hope for the cultivation of a dedicated cadre of professionals well-versed in the intricacies of arbitration, committed to upholding professionalism and ethics.

    Mr. R. Venkataramani, Attorney General of India, stated that the Indian arbitration scene has preachers from the outside and explorers from the inside and that its position needs to be elevated on the global map. He elucidated that the ABI stands as a message to move away from diffidence and doubts to self-determination and articulation making India second to none and equal to all.

    He also stressed the importance of institutionalization in enhancing the credibility and efficacy of arbitration in India. He remarked on how the ABI is an initiative calling for diversity on all accounts and not merely reducing itself to an exclusive men's club. He further stressed that the ABI shall stand as an open invitation to everyone, where all assume the role of foot soldiers and midwives without any barriers to participation. He concluded by sighting aspirations of the ABI to emerge as a notable catalogue of outstanding work and gather the zeal of Indian Domestic Arbitration.

    Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw, Chief Guest of Honour, provided his insights into the economic dimensions of arbitration. He highlighted the staggering size of the Indian economy, signalling a crucial juncture of an infliction point that necessitates the formation of new institutions and legal structures by grasping vital economic talent pools. Hence in corollary to India's standing on such a critical point, he remarked how the ABI has been inaugurated at the appropriate time.

    He also mentioned how the ABI is born digital, advocating for further integration of technology to streamline the interaction between institutions and banks. Drawing parallels with the Unified Payments Interface (“UPI”), Shri Vaishnav envisioned a Unified Judicial Interface (“UJI”) to revolutionize legal interactions on a single platform and hoped that the ABI would come up with ideas as unique as UPI and falling back to our ancestors the concept of the number zero for the global advancement of India.

    Dr. S. Jaishankar, Chief Guest of Honour echoed the intersection of law, business, and diplomacy in shaping institutional frameworks. He highlighted India's growing economic prowess and stressed the importance of high-quality arbitration in attracting foreign direct investment and fostering an entrepreneurial culture. He remarked how Viksit Bharat shall not only stand in an economic matrix but the quality of life and a larger role in the international economy. In this journey towards Viksit Bharat which will be defined by institutions, infrastructure, and talent, he maintained that the legal world will make its expected contribution in which ABI stands as an effective step.

    Mr. Tejas Karia, Vice President, Arbitration Bar of India, delivered the closing remarks by echoing the ABI's pledge to commit to excellence and community development by elevating the standards of arbitration in India and reshaping the arbitration bar as a single practice. He highlighted the pivotal role that the ABI would play in elevating India as a preferred seat of arbitration, aligning with the Make in India initiative and promoting green arbitration practices. He concluded by underlining the ABI's aim to establish India as a global thought leader of arbitration and thanking all guests, attendees, and office bearers for their contribution to the success of the inaugural. The event was concluded by a felicitation ceremony.

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