GLC Mumbai Wins 3rd GD Goenka Moot Court Competition
aasavri Rai
28 March 2018 2:01 PM IST

The School of Law, GD Goenka University, organized the 3rd GD Goenka Global Antitrust and Competition Law Moot Court Competition 2018 from March 23rd to 25th.
The moot proposition so drafted for this moot court competition was based on an issue revolving around Competition Law. A total of 24 teams from all around the nation had registered themselves to be a part of this Moot Court Competition.
The 3rd GD Goenka Global Antitrust and Competition Law Moot Court Competition-2018 was inaugurated on 23rd March 2018. The evening began with the lighting of the lamps by Mr John Handoll, [National Practice Head (Competition Law) Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas& Co.]; Mr Matthew Slone [Director, Global Litigation Services- UnitedLex]; Mr. AnirudhWadhwa [Partner, Wadhwa Law Chambers] and Mr. Amar Kumar Sundaram [National Director (Legal) Ernst & Young Service Pvt. Ltd.].
Prof. (Dr.) Shrihari [Vice- chancellor, GD Goenka University] felicitated the dignitaries and Prof (Dr) S Shantakumar [Dean, Academics and Dean, School of Law] delivered the welcome address to the participating teams and wished them luck. Mr Nipun Goenka, Managing Director, GD Goenka University, deans of all the schools of GD Goenka University and members of the faculty were present for the occasion.
Preliminary round and quarterfinal rounds were successfully completed on 24th March 2018. Semi-finals and final rounds were concluded on 25th March 2018, which was followed by the valedictory ceremony.
Dr Lalit Bhasin [President, Bar Association of India, Society of Indian Law Firms] was the chief guest of the valedictory ceremony. Eminent dignitaries like Dr Subir Bikas Mitra [Executive Director (Law & HR) GAIL(India) Ltd.; Mr Ganesh Chandru [Executive Partner, Laxmikumaran & Sridharan Attorneys] and Mr. Aditya Wadhwa (Partner, Wadhwa Law Chambers) had graced the occasion.
Government Law College, Mumbai won the competition. Law Centre II, University of Delhi were awarded the runners-up award. They were awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 50,000, respectively.
The Best Speaker Male was awarded to Mr. Madhav Nakra and the Best Speaker Female was awarded to Ms. Niraimathi. They were awarded cash prize of Rs. 20,000 each. The award for Best Memorial was given to NLU, Odisha, and they were awarded a cash prize of Rs. 10,000.