Associate Professor (Legal) Vacancy At National Institute Of Securities Markets
Manav Malhotra
4 Feb 2020 5:02 PM IST

National Institute Of Securities Markets invites application for the post of Associate Professor (Legal) under Law, Securities law and Regulations, Corporate Law, etc proficiency department.
Name of the Post: Associate Professor (Legal)
Essential Qualification and Experience
- Candidates should have a Ph.D. or equivalent with a successful track record of research and publications and post qualification experience of a minimum of six (6) years of post-Ph.D. teaching/research experience, of which at least three (3) years should be at the level of Assistant Professor at an Institution of repute.
How to apply?
- Candidates, who are in service of Govt./Quasi-Govt. organizations/Public Sector Undertakings and applying for the above Faculty positions, shall produce a "No Objection Certificate' from their employer, at the time of interaction and a proper discharge certificate before an appointment.
- Candidates who are in service of Govt./ Quasi-Govt. organizations/Public Sector Undertakings and applying for the above Faculty positions on a deputation basis shall route their applications through their employers. They shall also furnish vigilance clearance (major/minor penalties, if any, imposed during last 10 years) and Annual Confidential Reports for the last 5 years along with the application.
- Candidates are required to apply On-Line before 15th February 2020 through the website In case of any issues/difficulty in filling the application online, please feel free to connect with us at
- Physical applications or applications that are incomplete, or received after the prescribed date, will not be considered.
- To apply click here
To Access Official Notification click here'
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