Law Officer Vacancy At Delhi Jal Board
Manav Malhotra
26 Oct 2020 2:46 PM IST

Delhi Jal Board invites application for the post of Law Officer on (Composite method) deputation (Including Short--term contact) Plus promotion.
Name of the Post: Law Officer
Essential Qualification and Experience
- Officers under the Central/Stale Government/ UTS/ Universities/ Recognized Research Institutions/PSUS/Semi Government OR Autonomous Statutory Organizations: -
(A)(i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the cadres' department, or
(ii) with 5 years' service in the grade rendered alter appointment thereto on a regular basis in PB-3. Rs. 15,600/-39,100/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/- (Pre-revised) or equivalent in the parent cadre,' department; OR
(iii) A member of the state judicial service with ten years of regular service. AND
(B) Bachelor's degree from a recognized university/Institute AND
(i) Three years bachelor's degree in Law from a recognized university / institute AND
(ii) Seven-year experience as legal practitioner or Seven-year experience in legal work OR
(iii) Five-year integrated degree in law from a recognized university/ institute AND
(iv) Fight year experience as legal practitioner or Eight years' experience in Legal Work.
How to apply?
- The applications of suitable and willing officers must reach the office of the Assistant Commissioner (D) Mr. Sandeep Gulati (for full address check official notification) through proper channel along-with their complete biodata in the enclosed format (Check notification), integrity certificate and ACR Dossier for the last five years within 60 days of issue of this circular (i.e. 22.10.2020). The applications received thereafter will not be entertained.
To Access Official Notification, click here