Lilavati Hospital Appoints Kartik Seth As Trust Advocate
28 March 2024 1:35 PM IST

Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai is a Hospital run by a public charitable Trust which was formed in the year 1978 by Kirtilal Manilal Mehta.
Several legal issues have been pending before various fora including the Charity Commissioner (Mumbai), Bombay High Court and the Supreme Court.
The main issue with respect to the Trust dispute is covered under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950, hence the lawyers involved in this case from either parties are authorities on the said Act as this is one of the most contested cases before the Authority called as the Charity Commissioner which is a judicial forum constituted by a Statute to decide on Trust disputes. Several big trusts like the TATA Trust and the Reliance Foundation are also covered under the same Act.
After the change of power with regard to the Trust, vide a Board Resolution dated 01.03.2024, the Board of Trustees of the Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai has appointed Mr. Kartik Seth as the Trust Advocate to appear/plead/advise on matters pertaining to Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950. Mr. Kartik Seth is an advocate based in Delhi who runs an Advocate-on-Record firm, M/s. Chambers of Kartik Seth and has been regularly appearing before various High Courts and Tribunals in the country apart from being settled in New Delhi with his base court being Supreme Court of India.