Call For Blogs: RSRR Blog Series

Manav Malhotra

5 Oct 2019 10:24 PM IST

  • Panel Discussion On Citizen Police Interactions and Policing in the Pandemic By RGNUL Student Research Review & Common Cause India [30th October, 2021]

    The RGNUL Student Research Review (RSRR) is a bi-annual, student-run, blind peer-reviewed legal journal based at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. The Editorial Board invites submissions for the RSRR Blog Series on "Deferring the Environmental Exigency: A Rebellion To Begin?"


    · Plastic bans in states: a failed policy?

    · Union Government Policies regarding Environment (The list is not exhaustive)
    a. Electric Vehicle Policy: well-planned policy or a hasty beginning?
    b. India Cooling Action Plan, 2019
    c. National Action Plan on Climate Change, 2008
    d. National Environment Policy, 2006

    · State Government's policies regarding Environment (The list is not exhaustive)
    a. State action plan on climate change
    b. State water policies
    c. State wetlands conservation policies
    d. State forest policies

    • Analysis of Union Budget 2019 vis-a-vis environment.
    • Legal analysis of local state-specific environmental issues and state laws.
    • Analysis of regulatory bodies and their interplay for disaster management
    • Need to overhaul waste management regulation in India
    • A suitable mechanism for states to eliminate rampant flouting of environmental laws

    · The submissions are, however, not restricted to the aforesaid sub-themes, provided they fall within the ambit of the main theme and pertain to the current environmental scenario of India.

    Submission Guidelines

    • Word Limit for each post is a maximum of 1500-2100 words (exclusive of endnotes).
    • Authors are required to provide an abstract of around 100-150 words along with keywords that represent the essence of the submission. The abstract is to be submitted along with the article, itself.
    • The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter specifying the author's name, designation, institute, contact number, and email for future reference. [Participants are requested to not put their name anywhere in the main manuscript].
    • All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
    • The manuscripts must be e-mailed to in.
    • The subject of the e-mail should be titled "Submission for RSRR Blog Series: Environmental Law".
    • Co-authorship of a maximum of 2 is permitted.
    • The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions or views stated in the submitted Manuscript.
    • The last date of submission is 30th October 2019.

    For any queries Email at; or contact

    Aryan Babele (9926041054)

    Shrey Nautiyal (7988767598)

    To Access Brochure click here

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