Call For Papers: Conference On Competition Challenges In E-Commerce At MNLU, Mumbai
Manav Malhotra
3 Nov 2019 12:34 PM GMT
Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai is organizing a National Conference on Competition Challenges in E-Commerce to be held on 7th December 2019.
Who can apply?
- This conference is aimed at students, researchers, academicians, executives of companies in e-commerce and practitioners in the area of Competition Law.
- The conference will have a balance of lectures and presentations from the academic as well as the practitioners' perspective and will have experts from the field.
Submission Guidelines
- There can be a maximum of three Co-Authors for a Research Paper.
- All the author, as well as co-authors, will have to separately register themselves by paying the requisite registration fees.
- At least one person among the author or co-authors has to be present for presenting the paper.
- An abstract of 500-words including research questions, methodology and expected results along with one-page curriculum vitae and contact details should be submitted. Authors of selected abstracts will then have to do registration for the Conference.
- The final paper should be submitted and presented on the day of the conference.
- Abstracts have to be submitted as word documents, with a covering letter containing the name, designation and affiliation/profile of the author(s) and should be emailed to with subject 'Abstract Submission'.
Important Dates
To Access Brochure click here
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