Call For Papers: "Lexigentia", International Law Review Of Lloyd Law College, Volume 8 (2021) Issue 1
Aseer Jamal
29 April 2021 12:20 PM IST

Lexigentia - Law Journal of Lloyd Law College is an international, biannual, ISSN peer-reviewed (ISSN: 2454-1613) publication of Lloyd Law College.
Who can Apply?
The Editorial Committee of Lexigentia hereby invites articles on law from academicians, advocates and research scholars. A maximum of two co-authors is permitted.
The present issue of Lexigentia shall focus on the issues of prominence across the legal systems.
Submission Categories:
- Long Articles: Above 6,000 words
- Short Articles: 4,000- 5,000 words
- Case Comments: 1,000 words
Submission Guidelines:
- Abstract: The Article should also include an abstract of about 350 words, which has to precede the article.
- Citation Style: A uniform Style of Citation should be adhered to. The mode of citation to be followed is available here.
- Format of the Main Text & the Footnotes: Times New Roman font, in font size 12 is prescribed for all articles. Further, the footnotes shall be in font size 10 and in the Times New Roman font. A line spacing of 1.5 for the main text and 1.0 for the footnotes is to be followed.
- All articles are to be sent in either doc. or docx. format. Any submission in pdf form shall not be accepted.
Last date for submission of abstracts and articles: May 31, 2021 (11:59 pm, IST).
How to Submit?
All abstracts and articles are to be mailed to latest by May 31, 2021 (11:59 pm, IST).
For any details or queries, a mail can be sent to
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