Call For Papers: MNLU's CLR Special Issue On Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon
aasavri Rai
17 May 2019 9:25 AM IST

To commemorate Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon's services towards reforms in legal education, the Editorial Board of Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur Contemporary Law Review (CLR) invites submission of papers from the members of bar; bench; academia and research scholars for the upcoming special issue "In Memoriam-Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon and his contribution to Indian Legal Education".
- History of Integrated legal education and National Law Schools
- Law, Poverty and Marginalization
- Legal Aid and Processual Justice to the Citizens
- Clinical Legal Education
- Curricular innovation to narrow the gap in teaching between theory and practice of law
- Continuing legal education and strengthening the India Bar
- Juridical Science and its reflection in contemporary legal research in India
- Contemporary reforms to promote quality legal education and research in law
- Faculty development and work ethics of a law teacher
- Any other theme close to philosophy and ideology of Prof. Menon
Last date for submission of manuscript: June 10, 2019
Submissions must be emailed at
For further details, click here.
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