Call For Papers: NLIU India Foundation Constitutional Law Symposium
Manav Malhotra
11 Jan 2019 10:35 PM IST

NLIU Law Review in collaboration with India Foundation is conducting the "NLIU – INDIA FOUNDATION CONSTITUTIONAL LAW SYMPOSIUM" from 16th – 17th March 2019.
The aim of the Symposium is to provide a platform for a discussion on Contemporary Constitutional Law Issues in India. The symposium is open for participation to students, researchers, faculty members, academicians, lawyers and legal experts in the field of Constitutional Law.
Who can apply?
Students currently pursuing an LL.B.(Hons.)/LL.B. /LL.M. from a recognized university and faculty members of law are eligible to send in entries.
• The validity of Article 35-A and Article 370 of the Constitution;
• Restrictions on freedom to manage religious affairs:
• Comment on "Essential religious practices" in light of the Sabarimala Temple judgement or/and Triple Talak judgement;
• Right to management of temples;
• Analysis of the Ayodhya issue;
• Freedom of expression and media trial;
• Free Speech versus the law on Sedition
• Indian Judiciary: Scope for improvement:
• Need for increase in age for retirement and pension of Judges;
• Post-retirement jobs – necessity or mere appeasement?
• Judicial accountability and mechanisms for its enforcement
• Any other constitutional law topic with contemporary relevancy in India.
Important Dates
- Last Date of Submission 31st Jan 2019
- Declaration of Results for Paper Presentation 25th Feb 2019
- Last Date for confirmation of participation for top ten* shortlisted 28th Feb 2019
- Dates for Paper Presentation 16th-17th Mar 2019
- * Ten is a tentative figure. The final decision on the number of shortlisted manuscripts will be taken by the organizers.
Submission Categories
- Articles: Manuscripts under this category should be within 4000-6000 words long. Co-authorship of papers (maximum two) among individuals from the same or different institutions is allowed. The manuscripts under this category must be of a highly analytical nature where the author(s) arrive at a definite conclusion pertaining to the topic.
- Abstract: Each manuscript must contain an abstract of not more than 300 words. This is inclusive of the abovementioned word limit of 4000-6000 words.
- Citations: Citations must conform to standards laid down in the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th 2015). Submissions must use only footnotes as a form of citation. Substantive footnoting is not permitted for manuscripts for any of the articles.
- *Kindly note that the word limit is exclusive of footnotes. Strict adherence to the word limit is highly advised.
Submission Guidelines
- The original manuscripts must be sent to by 31st January 2019, 23:59 hours.
- The email must contain the manuscript in .doc/docx format. The email must also contain a cover letter containing the name(s) of the authors, the institution, the course and the year of study along with a declaration about the originality of the manuscript.
- A sample declaration form can be downloaded from the official website.
- All submissions are to be made to before 23:59 hours, 31st January 2019.
- The winner(s) of the symposium will be awarded prize money of Rs. 20,000/-
- The second best participant(s) will receive prize money of Rs. 15,000/-
- The third best participant(s) will receive prize money of Rs. 10,000/-
For any queries Email at or contact Avani Mishra (Editor-in-Chief) at +91-9425010150/ Divyam Sharma (Managerial Board Head) at +91 9407474939.
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