Call For Papers: GNLU Journal Of Law And Economics (Volume 2)

aasavri Rai

11 Feb 2019 5:29 PM GMT

  • GNLU Khaitan & Co Advanced Certificate | Capital Markets & Securities Law 2023-24

    The GNLU Centre for Law and Economics of the Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, is inviting papers for the second volume of the GNLU Journal of Law and Economics (GJLE).


    • Articles (6,000-8,000 words, excluding footnotes).
    • Essays (3,500-6,000 words, excluding footnotes).
    • Book Reviews/Case Commentary/ Short Notes (1,500-3,500 words, excluding footnotes).

    Deadline for Submissions: 15th March 2019

    All submissions must be made to with the subject "Manuscript Submission for Volume II."

    Queries can be addressed to Dr. Ranita Nagar [], or Bedanta Chakraborty [].

    For further details, click here.

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