National Seminar of Consumer Protection: New Age Challenges
Sukriti Singh
10 Nov 2015 10:58 AM IST

National Law University Delhi in Collaboration With Centre for Consumer Studies, IIPA, New Delhi is organizing a National Seminar of Consumer Protection: New Age Challenges from 19-20 February, 2016 and invites well researched original research papers, case studies and survey reports from the academics, practitioners, researchers, VCOs, students and other stakeholders working and interested in the field of consumer protection.
The Seminar is meant for officials from various organizations working in area of consumer protection, academics, researchers, think tanks, students, service providers, members of industry, industry associations, trainers, Voluntary Consumer Organizations (VCOs) and presiding officers of consumer forum, officials of various regulatory bodies.
Venue: National Law University Delhi, Sector 14, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078
- Empowering Consumers
- Food Safety and Standards
- New Age Challenges
- Enforcement
Note* - The sub themes are detailed in the brochure.
Formatting Guidelines
- The word limit for Research Paper is 4000-6000 words (maximum) (excluding footnotes).
- Must be typed in Times New Roman Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing.
- Footnotes should follow uniform style of citation. Citation according to Standard Indian Legal Citation (SILC) style is encouraged.
Submission Guidelines
- Participants who intend to present their research papers in the seminar are required to submit the Abstract of their paper before 10 December, 2015 through e-mail.
- The word limit for abstract is 300 – 350 words.
- The abstract should contain a brief profile of the author including e-mail ID, contact number and official address.
- Abstracts & Research papers may be submitted to the Convener of the seminar at
Registration Fees
- Teachers/ Professionals: Early Bird Payment : Rs. 1,500
On the spot cash payment: Rs. 1,700 - Scholars/Students: Early Bird Payment: Rs. 1,000
On the spot cash payment: Rs. 1,200
Important Dates
Last date for Abstract Submission: 10 December, 2015
Intimation of Acceptance of Abstract: 15 December, 2015
Last date for Submission of Full papers: 15 January, 2016
Last date for sending Registration form & scanned copy of Demand Draft through email: 31 January, 2015
Notification for final list of papers: 10 February, 2016
Click here to download the brochure.