Nationwide Programme for Establishing Village Legal Service Clinics; NALSA's Initiative

Sukriti Singh

24 Jan 2014 10:31 AM IST

  • Nationwide Programme for Establishing Village Legal Service Clinics; NALSAs Initiative

    Legal service authorities under the LEGAL SERVICES AUTHORITIES ACT, 1987 has been constituted to provide free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of the society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities, to fulfill such objective National Legal Service Authority has been working since 1998 from when the NALSA became properly functional for the first time.

    To take the initiative to all the corners of the country the NALSA is launching a nationwide program for establishing Village Legal Service clinics in one village in each Taluk of the country. The program will be inaugurated today by the Chief Justice of India and Patron-in-Chief Hon'ble Mr. Justice P.Sathasivam in the presence of Hon'ble Mr. Justice R.M.Lodha, Judge Supreme Court of India and Executive Chairman NALSA, Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K.Patnaik, Judge Supreme Court of India and Chairman, Supreme Court Legal Services Committee along with the other Hon'ble Judges of Supreme Court and Delhi High Court.

    Informing about the program by issuing a press note, NALSA informed that the village legal service clinics intends to provide easy and accessible legal services to a large number of population living in villages. These clinics will function in the same manner as the primary health centre functions by providing basic health care. In such clinics Para legal volunteer plays a very crucial role by manning the clinic with sense of responsibility and commitment.

    The volunteers will solve the basic problems of the villagers such as BPL Card, Voter ID Card, Aadhar Card etc; the volunteers are committed to resolve the disputes and preventing them from maturing into litigation and reducing the burden over the already overburdened courts. The lawyer assigned to the clinics will provide all legal assistance, and resolving the difficulties of the people in accessing justice.

    Sukriti Singh is 3rd year B.A.LL.B (Hons) student at University Institute of Law, R.D.V.V and She is the Social media co-ordinator at livelaw

    Read the press note here.

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