One Day National Seminar On Goods And Services Taxes
Simran Sahni
15 Nov 2016 2:02 PM IST

The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University organizes UGC Sponsored One Day National Seminar on GOODS AND SERVICES TAXES on 30th November2016.
Venue: Auditorium, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, M.G.R. Salai opposite to MRTS Taramani Railway station, Perungudi, Chennai -96.
The Law University was established by the Government of Tamil Nadu by an Act of State Legislature (Act No.43 of 1997) for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in learning, teaching and research in the field of law.There are more than twelve thousand students pursuing their law degrees in this University through eight affiliated law colleges in addition to School of Excellence in Law (SOEL.). This university under the dynamic leadership of our Hon’ ble Vice Chancellor Prof (Dr.) P. Vanangamudi is crossing many milestones. One of which is the department of taxation.
Well researched and documented papers will be allowed for presentation in the National Seminar. Abstract with key words and full paper containing full details about the author shall be sent to gstindia123@gmail.comby 20thNovember 2016. The full paper not exceeding ten pages shall be in MS Word, Times New Roman with 12 font size, space between lines 1.5. Selected papers will be published in an edited book with ISBN. The registration fee may be paid through Demand Draft in favour of “The Registrar, The Tamilnadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai – 600 028.” payable at Chennai and sent to gstindia123@gmail.comto the address given below on or before 20thNovember 2016.
The Union Government wants to implement Goods and Service Tax from the financial year 2017 – 2018. This necessitates organizing a National Seminar in this area on relevant sub-themes, so that effective deliberations on those issues are found through discussions. The topics are:-
- Double Taxation.
- Concept of co-operative federalism.
- Goods and Service Tax Council and Parliamentary Sovereignty.
- Binding nature of the recommendation of the GST Council.
- The nature of residuary power in entry 97 of List – I regarding levy of tax.
- Tax Base and principle of elasticity.
- Application of the principle, destination in levying tax. Whether neutrality can be arrived (Tax is levied on the place of consumption).
- Ambiguity in definitions in the GST Bill.
- Tangible property, etc.
- Extend of delegation of power to the GST Council.
- Flexibility in bringing uniform rate of tax.
- Apportionment of tax revenue among States.
- Weightage of voting in GST Council.
- Faculty Members, Delegates and Advocates: Rs. 300/-
- Students / Research Scholars: Rs. 150/-
- Last date for sending Abstract along with Full Paper: 20th November 2016
- Last date for paying the Registration Fee: 20th November 2016
For more details, click here.