Project Manager Vacancy at National Law University, Delhi

Sukriti Singh

5 Feb 2016 2:17 AM GMT

  • Project Manager Vacancy at National Law University, Delhi

    The National Law University, Delhi has invited applications from the eligible candidates for the post of project manager for the Centre on the Death Penalty („Centre‟) at its campus in Dwarka, New Delhi supported by a grant from the Open Society Foundation, for a specific research project („project‟).

    No of Post: 01

    Salary: Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience and will be within the range of Rs. 60,000-Rs.70,000 per month

    Essential Qualifications

    1. Law Graduate with an LLM degree
    2. Relevant research experience of 2 years or familiarity with criminal proceedings at the trial or appellate levels would be preferable.

    • Demonstrated ability to design and lead a research project in this area of work.

    1. Ability to read/ write/ speak regional Indian languages will be an advantage but is not mandatory

    How to Apply

    1. Interested persons may send their resumé and a statement of purpose, explaining their interest in working on this specific project, including a brief outline of a proposed project design, and the contribution that they see themselves making to the Centre‟s work in general. The statement of purpose must not exceed 1000 words.
    2. The resume and statement of purpose must be sent to the Registrar ( ) with a copy marked to The subject of the e-mail should be “Centre on the Death Penalty- Application for Project Manager—Open Society Foundation” The cover letter must state (Attn: Director, Centre on the Death Penalty.); OR

    • Can be posted at the postal address :
      “Registrar, National Law University,
      Delhi, Sector 14, Dwarka,
      New Delhi-110 078”.
      The envelope must have super scribed on it, “Centre on the Death Penalty Application for Project Manager—Open Society Foundation” and addressed to the Registrar, National Law University, Delhi. The cover letter must state (Attn: Director, Centre on the Death Penalty.)

    Last date for submission of Application: 22nd February 2016.

    Click here for official notification.

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