Uddhav Thackeray vs Eknath Shinde : Live Updates From Supreme Court In Shiv Sena Case


21 Feb 2023 4:49 AM GMT

  • Uddhav Thackeray vs Eknath Shinde : Live Updates From Supreme Court In Shiv Sena Case

    A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court will hear today the cases related to rift in the Shiv Sena party, which led to the political changes in Maharashtra in June-July 2022.A 5-judge bench led by Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud had on last Friday deferred the decision on the preliminary question whether to reconsider the decision in Nabam Rebia vs Deputy Speaker which held that a...

    A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court will hear today the cases related to rift in the Shiv Sena party, which led to the political changes in Maharashtra in June-July 2022.

    A 5-judge bench led by Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud had on last Friday deferred the decision on the preliminary question whether to reconsider the decision in Nabam Rebia vs Deputy Speaker which held that a Speaker cannot decide disqualification petitions when a motion seeking his removal is pending. The bench said that the question of reference cannot be decided in isolation from facts and decided to hear the matter on merits from today.

    Justices MR Shah, Krishna Murari, Hima Kohli and PS Narasimha are the other members of the bench.

    The following are the issues before the 5-judge bench.

    A. Whether the notice of removal of the speaker restricts him from continuing the disqualification proceedings under Schedule X of the Indian Constitution as held by the Court in Nabam Rebia;

    B. Whether a petition under Article 226 and Article 32 lies inviting a decision on a disqualification proceeding by the High Courts or the Supreme Court as the case may be;

    C. Can a court hold that a member is deemed to be disqualified by virtue of his/her actions absent a decision by the Speaker?

    D. What is the status of proceedings in the House during the pendency of disqualification petitions against the members?

    E. If the decision of speaker that a member was incurred disqualification under the Tenth Schedule relates back to the date of the complaint, then what is the status of proceedings that took place during the pendency of the disqualification petition?

    F. What is the impact of the removal of Para 3 of the Tenth Schedule? (which omitted "split" in a party as a defence against disqualification proceedings)

    G. What is the scope of the power of the Speaker to determine the whip and leader of house of the legislative party?

    H. What is the interplay with respect to the provisions of the Tenth Schedule?

    I. Are intra-party questions amenable to judicial review? What is the scope of the same?

    J. Power of the governor to invite a person to form the government and whether the same is amenable to judicial review?

    H. What is the scope of the powers of Election Commission of India with respect to deter an ex parte split within a party.

    Follow this page for live-updates from the hearing.

    Live Updates

    • 21 Feb 2023 9:28 AM GMT

      Sibal: Chief whip and the deputy whip are appointed by the political party.

      CJI DY Chandrachud: Who determines who is the political party?

      Sibal: There is no contest. There has to be a split in the party. It is nobody's case. They're saying they're the Shivsena.

    • 21 Feb 2023 9:25 AM GMT

      Sibal: A majority in the legislature, is treating itself as a political party and making orders for its own benefits. That's the constitutional issue that you have to decide.

    • 21 Feb 2023 9:25 AM GMT

      Sibal: When your lordships will see the petition before the Election Commission, till the 18th of July, there is no reference to any meeting of any political party. So all this was happening outside the political party.

    • 21 Feb 2023 9:24 AM GMT

      Sibal: Leader of the house has to come from the political party. That letter is being written by the speaker. For example, when Mr Kharge became the leader, Mrs Gandhi wrote that letter. So on what basis did the speaker do it?

    • 21 Feb 2023 9:17 AM GMT

      CJI DY Chandrachud: Sorry for keeping you waiting.

      Sibal: I was on the list of dates, let me finish that.

    • 21 Feb 2023 7:30 AM GMT

      The bench will resume hearing after lunch at 2 pm.

    • 21 Feb 2023 7:30 AM GMT

      Sibal: Please consider the decision. Whatever the outcome is, let the outcome be. But a shortcut of this nature will be wrong...

    • 21 Feb 2023 7:23 AM GMT

      CJI DY Chandrachud: We have to also factor relief which the constitution court is to give to take the argument to its logical conclusion.

    • 21 Feb 2023 7:19 AM GMT

      CJI DY Chandrachud: We are saying if we assume you're correct where will it lead?

      Sibal: You can say that you decide it within 7 days, we're sitting here, if there's an order against you come up in appeal and we'll decide the matter.

    • 21 Feb 2023 7:18 AM GMT

      CJI DY Chandrachud: Just as you say that the speaker could not have taken the decision, once we apply the position, we have to apply across the spectrum. We have to replace the institutional mechanism which is provided by tenth schedule itself. 

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