X Edition of the National Law School- Trilegal International Arbitration Moot
Simran Sahni
13 Jan 2017 3:12 PM IST

Dates: 11th to 14th May, 2017
The National Law School Trilegal International Arbitration Moot is a pioneering initiative of NLSIU to increase student engagement with international arbitration law and practice. As India’s only arbitration moot, it provides students a unique opportunity to gain a working understanding of arbitration through a simulated version of arbitral proceedings. The Moot has steadily garnered a reputation as one which deals with the most cutting edge issues in contemporary arbitration law and has attracted participation from India and abroad. This year, the Case Study is based on International Commercial Arbitration and is being drafted by Ms. Sophie Nappert and Ms. Ermelinda Beqiraj.
The Final Registration Form can be found here. In the event that the team composition has not been determined as of now, you may provisionally register by filling this form.
For more updates, you can also visit the Website or Facebook Page.
Prakshal Jain Conevnor,
Moot Court Society & Moot Adminstrator, X NLSTIAM
T: (+91-9538851035)
E: nlstiam@nls.ac.in
The National Law School Trilegal International Arbitration Moot is a pioneering initiative of NLSIU to increase student engagement with international arbitration law and practice. As India’s only arbitration moot, it provides students a unique opportunity to gain a working understanding of arbitration through a simulated version of arbitral proceedings. The Moot has steadily garnered a reputation as one which deals with the most cutting edge issues in contemporary arbitration law and has attracted participation from India and abroad. This year, the Case Study is based on International Commercial Arbitration and is being drafted by Ms. Sophie Nappert and Ms. Ermelinda Beqiraj.
- Release of Rules and Commencement of Registration Process- January 15, 2017
- Release of the Case Study- January 23, 2017
- Deadline for Seeking Clarifications to the Case- Study- February12, 2017
- Last Date to Fill in the Online Registration Form for all Teams- February 28,2017
- Last Date for Payment of Registration Fee for Overseas Teams- February 28,2017
- Last Date of Submitting Soft Copy of Memorials- April 03, 2017
- Release of the Results of Memorial Qualifier- April 25, 2017
- Last Date for Payment of Registration Fees for Qualifying Teams- April 30, 2017
- Oral Rounds- May 11-14, 2017
The Final Registration Form can be found here. In the event that the team composition has not been determined as of now, you may provisionally register by filling this form.
For more updates, you can also visit the Website or Facebook Page.
Prakshal Jain Conevnor,
Moot Court Society & Moot Adminstrator, X NLSTIAM
T: (+91-9538851035)
E: nlstiam@nls.ac.in
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