Call for participation; The Second ILS National Alternate Judgment Writing Competition 2015-16

Nikita Hora

15 Sep 2015 5:48 PM GMT

  • Call for participation; The Second ILS National Alternate Judgment Writing Competition 2015-16


    1. Any Law College or Law University can send only one entry.The team of student researchers shall consist of 3 members.
    2. The student authors of the alternatejudgment shall be pursuing the 5-year or 3-year law course.


    1 December 2015.


    To register for the competition

    1. Prepare and print the alternate judgment- Pay registration fees of Rs.500/- by Demand Draft drawn on a nationalized bank in favorof ‘Principal, ILS Law College’.
    2. Prepare a covering letter by typing in Bold the Title of the Competition as Subject.
    3. This letter shall contain the details  of the Student Researchers of the team and should besigned by the Head of the Institution or Department, stating o the name of your institution, email and local address of your institution o names, emails, mobile / telephone numbers of each student author,
    4. Photographs and signatures of each student author.
    5. Post the copy  of  the  alternate  judgment,  Demand  Draft  and  covering  letter  to  thefollowing address:

    Principal, [in the care of Centre for Public Law],

    ILS Law College,Law College Road

    (Chiplunkar Road), Pune 411004,

    Maharashtra State, India.-

    Also send a Scanned Copy of your DD and a soft copy of your alternate judgment inMSWord format by  email  to  ,  with  “Second AlternateJudgment 2016” in the subject of the mail.-    The Printed and Soft Copy of the Draft of the Alternate judgment and DD of Rs. 500/-must reach us on or before 1 December 2015.


    The competition will have two rounds:

    • First Round –

    All alternate judgments received will be assessed, and 5 will be selected for thesecond round. Each of the 3 members of the teams shall author any two of the below mentioned parts of the judgement.

    1. Relevant Legislations.
    2. Position in other jurisdiction.
    3. The arguments of the petitioner;
    4. The arguments of the respondent
    5. Issues
    6. Reasoning of the court

    The members shall specify which parts have been authored by them in their entries.

    • Second Round – 

    5 selected teams shall make oral presentations of their drafts in the ILS LawCollege, before a distinguished panel of jury. By draw of lots the roles of the team members canbe switched. This is done to assess team-work and a thorough understanding of the judgement byall team members.The selected teams will be informed by 1st week of February 2016. The teams shall be given areasonable period of time to prepare for oral presentations.

    • The Alternate judgment

    The subject of the alternate judgment writing is the Supreme Court order in D.K. Aruna v. SateofTelangana and ors [Writ Petition No. 512/2015]. A copy of the mentioned order has beenattached. The teams may refer to the following link for further details of the order here.

    The alternate judgment may be submitted as follows:-

    1. Language- English
    2. Word limit - 4000 words (including foot notes)
    3. Format – MSWord
    4. Font - Times New Roman
    5. Font size- 12 for text, 10 for footnotes
    6. Page numbers – bottom center-
    7. A cover page stating the name of the competition, the name of your institution and thenames of student authors, with the signatures of each student author
    8. The alternate judgment shall begin on the next page.
    9. Do not state any matter in the alternate judgment (except the cover page) that mightreveal your identity or of your institution.


    To organise this contest Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial Trust is pleased to provide the financialassistance. The amount of awards is as follows:

    First Prize                    10,000

    Second Prize                8,000

    Third Prize                   5,000



    Dr. Sanjay Jain

    Student Coordinators

    Aishwarya Gupta 8806516757

    GauriShidhaye 9920265547

    ManavMutneja 8698063435

    AkrityAbhilasha 9561780236

    For further details click here.

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