IJLMS Annual Judgment Writing Competition 2018: Register by June 30, 2018
manav malhotra
4 Jun 2018 8:52 PM IST

International Journal of Law & Management Studies is a scholarly peer-reviewed bi-monthly inter-disciplinary journal founded in February 2016 published by the Publishing Unit of Agradoot Web Technologies LLP with an intention enhance academic research in the arenas where businesses and laws are concerned which covers in its fold a wide array of laws including Competition Law, Intellectual Property Rights, Mergers & Acquisitions Law, Corporate Law, issues revolving around business concern including Company Law, Corporate Social Responsibility, Incorporation of Businesses and Taxation laws.
The International Journal of Law & Management Studies seeks to organize the Annual IJLMS Judgment Writing Competition 2018 with an aim to promote the skill of judgment writing and with an intention to hone the drafting skills of the current legal generation to produce better lawyers, judges and judicial fraternity members of tomorrow. This is the Second Edition of the Competition due to be held in the month of July 2018.
Theme of the Competition: The theme of the Competition is based on Competition or Anti-Trust Law this year.
Dates & Deadlines:
- June 20, 2018 - Last Date for Provisional Registration
- June 30, 2018 - Last Date for Submission of Registration Form
- July 05, 2018 - Last Date for Clarifications
- July 10, 2018 - Last Date for Submission
- July 30, 2018 - Declaration of Results
For Brochure click here: https://ijlms.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Brochure.pdf
Provisional Registration:
Institutes/Colleges can provisionally register for the competition by filling the Provisional Registration Form available on the website. The maximum number of registrations allowed are twenty-five in total for the registration on a first-come basis. Request colleges, therefore, to register at the earliest. You can register provisionally at http://ijlms.in/jwcprovisional/
For any queries contact email at jwc@ijlms.in
Website: http://www.ijlms.in/jwc/