Applications Invited For Round 2 Of Delegate And IP Applications Of GLCMUN'20
Manav Malhotra
7 Feb 2020 12:19 PM IST

The 12th Edition of Government Law College Model United Nations is scheduled to be held on 20th, 21st and 22nd March 2020 at Government Law College, Mumbai.
· Protecting and preserving the rights and privileges of religious minorities globally.
· Discussing LGBTQ rights in terms of Islamic religious laws.
· Cybersecurity and protection against Cyber Warfare with special emphasis on non-state actors.
· Combating proliferation of chemical and biological weapons with emphasis on the risk of acquisition by non-state actors.
· Considering the creation of a legal framework to eradicate modern slavery.
· Examining the applicability of the Geneva Convention and other international legal protocols to the treatment of civilians and non-uniformed combatants.
· Discussing ways to increase cooperation between the United Nations and regional and sub regional organizations in maintaining international peace and security.
· Ways to promote and strengthen the rule of law in the maintenance of international peace and security.
· To address taxation challenges in the current digital economy with a special emphasis on multilateralism.
· To discuss digital disruption in financial markets with a special emphasis on the emergence of cryptocurrencies.
· Discussing the disinvestment policy of the government with emphasis to the fiscal targets.
· Reviewing the effectiveness of Reservation Policy.
Note - Agendas will be released 15 days prior to the conference.
The International Press (IP)
Registration Fee
- The Delegate Registration Fee is INR 2000. (To be Paid when Allotment is sent)
- The Accommodation Fee (Optional) is INR 4500 for 3 nights stay at a 3-star South Bombay Hotel. (To be Paid when Allotment is sent)
- Last Date for Round 2 Registration: 19th February 2020; 11:59 P.M.
- To Register click here
- Over INR 1 Lakh
For any queries contact at + 91 8005611804/ 9820429165/ 8668452572/ 9647737777