Delhi High Court Disposes Pleas For Release Of Payment To Coaching Institutes Under 'Jai Bhim Mukhyamantri Pratibha Vikas Yojna'

Sanjana Dadmi

5 Feb 2025 9:30 AM IST

  • Delhi High Court Disposes Pleas For Release Of Payment To Coaching Institutes Under Jai Bhim Mukhyamantri Pratibha Vikas Yojna

    The Delhi High Court has disposed of petitions where various coaching institutes sought directions to the Delhi government to implement 'Jai Bhim Mukhyamantri Pratibha Vikas Yojna', after taking note of the steps being taken by the Special Secretary of the Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC (DSCST) to resolve the issue concerning payment to coaching institutes under the said...

    The Delhi High Court has disposed of petitions where various coaching institutes sought directions to the Delhi government to implement 'Jai Bhim Mukhyamantri Pratibha Vikas Yojna', after taking note of the steps being taken by the Special Secretary of the Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC (DSCST) to resolve the issue concerning payment to coaching institutes under the said scheme.

    The yojna/scheme was introduced to provide quality coaching in competitive examinations for selection in various government services for economically disadvantaged SC/ST/OBC/EWS candidates. The Delhi government's order dated 09 September 2019 fixed the duration of the coaching and a maximum ceiling of coaching fee to which the institution would be entitled per candidate.

    Pursuant to this scheme, the Delhi government entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the concerned coaching institutes. A clause in the MoA states that the first installment amounting to 50% of course fees and full stipend for the course will be released to the institutes after the enrolment of candidates and on receipt of their details in the prescribed format. The second installment would be released on the production of necessary documents by the institute.

    The coaching institutes'/petitioners' grievance is that the Delhi government acted contrary to the said clause and did not even make payment of the first installment.

    The petitioners stated that they raised grievances to the concerned authorities and a meeting was convened by the Special Secretary, DSCST with the representatives of various institutes to discuss the issue regarding the petitioners' entitlement under the scheme. As no follow-up action was taken by the DSCST after the meeting, the institutes filed the present petition for release of their payments under the scheme.

    Justice Sachin Datta took note of the steps taken by the Special Secretary, DSCST in convening a meeting to resolve the issue.

    The Court stated, “Considering the facts and circumstances of the case, and also taking note of the positive step taken by the Special Secretary, DSCST in convening a meeting on 13.12.2024 with a view to resolve the controversy, it is directed that each of the petitioners herein shall be afforded an opportunity of hearing by the Secretary, DSCST and a decision shall be taken as regards release of the monetary entitlement of each of these petitioners, in terms of the scheme in question, after proper verification.”

    It directed the Secretary, DSCST to afford an opportunity to all the petitioners and then take a decision regarding the release of the monetary entitlement after proper verification.

    The Court asked the petitioners to submit the required documents in five weeks and directed the Special Secretary, DSCST to conduct a hearing within four weeks. It said that after this exercise, the requisite payment shall be made to the petitioners. It stated that if a petitioner is not entitled to the payment, a reasoned order shall be passed.

    The Court remarked, “It is hoped and expected that the DSCST shall take expeditious steps to resolve the grievances of the petitioners and to ensure that the object of the scheme is not undermined or frustrated.”

    In view of the above, the Court disposed of the petitions.

    Case title: Ajabs Academy Pvt Ltd vs. Govt Of Nct Of Delhi & Ors. (W.P.(C) 702/2025) & Connected Matters

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