Empanelment of Advocates Vacancy At Security Paper Mill
Manav Malhotra
30 Oct 2019 11:41 AM IST

The General Manager, Security Paper Mill, Hoshangabad (M.P.) proposes to appoint a panel of Advocates to plead, draft, defend and represent the organization High Courts, Central Administration Tribunal & District Courts/Labour Courts/Tribunals.
Name of the Post: Empanelment of Advocates
Essential Qualification and Experience
- Degree in law from a UGC recognized University.
- Duly enrolled with concerned Bar Council.
- For conducting cases in High Court - 12 years of experience in respective field for which applied i.e. Civil, Labour, Service or Tax matters in High Court.
- For conducting cases in CAT - 10 years of experience in Service matters as practicing Advocate in Central Administrative Tribunal.
- For conducting cases in District courts and other courts/tribunals - 7 years of experience in respective field for which applied i.e. Civil, Labour, Service matters or Tax matters as practicing Advocate in District Court including other Courts and Tribunals.
How to apply?
· The eligible and desirous Advocates having following qualification and experience may apply as per prescribed format enclosed with the notice by post enclosing (self-attested) documents showing length of experience, educational qualifications and copy of orders/ judgments of at least 10 cases of respective field for which applied i.e. Civil, Service, Labour or Tax matter in which applicant appeared, enrolment certificate and any other documents which the applicants desired to enclose in support of his/her experience.
· The desirous and eligible Advocates may send their applications in prescribed format complete in all respects along with documents to reach latest by 03.11.2019 to Atul Singh Tomar Dy. Manager(H.R.) & Head of Office, Security Paper Mill, Hoshangabad.
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