Court Master Vacancy At Adjudicating Authority (PMLA) Delhi
Manav Malhotra
26 Oct 2021 3:34 PM IST

Ministry of Finance, Government of India, Department of Revenue invites application for the post of Court Master on deputation basis in Adjudicating Authority. PMLA, Department of Revenue, New Delhi.
Name of the Post: Court Master
No. of Post: 01 (One)
Essential Qualification and Experience
• Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/department or office under the Central/ State Govt.
• Six years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the posts of in pay band Rs. 5200-20200 in with grade pay Rs. 2800/- or equivalent in the parent cadre/ department
• With ten years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in a post in pay band -1 Rs. 5200-20200 (pre-revised) with grade pay of Rs. 2400/- or equivalent in parent cadre/ department and. having bachelor's degree from a recognized University/ Institute with two years experience in maintenance of record of Court proceedings in a Government office department/ judicial authority and working knowledge of computers.
How to apply?
• Interested candidates are required to submit the application in the prescribed format The applications in the given prescribed proforma (Annexure=1) along with documents, mentioned above should be forwarded through proper channel to Administrative Officer, Adjudicating Authority, PMLA, Room no. 26, 4th Floor, Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001 within 60 days from the date of issue of this advertisement (i.e. 02-10-2021)
To Access Official Notification, check employment news of 2nd October 2021