Lakshmikumaran And Sridharan Attorneys Advised Shareholders Of Oremus Corporate Services On Their Acquisition By Fornax Corporate Services
27 Jan 2025 5:39 PM IST

Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan Attorneys advised and acted for the shareholders of Oremus Corporate Services Private Limited ('Company') in their exit and the eventual acquisition of the Company by Fornax Corporate Services Private Limited.
Oremus is one of the leading market players in provision of back-office support services to business organizations with over 20 years of specialized expertise in accounting, payroll, compliance and finance. The company has offices and operations in India, the US, and the UK.
The team, comprising of Noorul Hassan (Partner), Shipra Verma (Principal Associate), Aman Gupta (Senior Associate) and Alekhya Kanda (Senior Associate) acted for founders/ sellers of Oremus in drafting, reviewing and negotiating the transaction.
The diligence team for the transaction comprised of Shipra Verma (Principal Associate), Kumar Panda (Principal Associate), Aman Gupta (Senior Associate), Navyashree R (Senior Associate), Aishwarya Narasimhan (Associate), Shrika C (Associate) and Krishna Chandak (Consultant and Company Secretary) with inputs from Dinesh Babu Eedi (Partner, Corporate and Commercial Litigation) and Data Protection Team consisting of Sameer Avasarala (Principal Associate) and Aryashree Kunhambu (Associate).”
Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan (LKS) is a premier full-service law firm in India, specializing in areas such as corporate & M&A/PE, dispute resolution, taxation and intellectual property. The firm, through its 14 offices across India, works closely on Corporate, M&A, litigation and commercial law matters, advising and representing clients both in India and abroad. Over the last nearly 4 decades the firm has worked with over 15,500 clients which range from start-ups, small & medium enterprises, to large Indian corporates and multinational companies.