National Conference on RTI’s Journey in 10 Years: Achievements & Concerns
Sukriti Singh
26 Sept 2015 8:56 AM IST

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University is organizing a National Conference on RTI’s Journey in 10 Years: Achievements & Concerns with the aim of celebrating the achievements of this legislation along with making the academicians aware of the concerns that the enactment is facing in today’s era.
Date: October12, 2015
Venue: Seminar Hall Dr. RMLNLU, Lucknow
- Purpose and Significance of Right to Information.
- Right to Information: A Global Perspective.
- Right to Information and its Constitutional Mandate.
- Right to Information and Impediments in Administration
- Right to Information: A Success Story.
- Bringing the Right to Information Act back to life: Recommendations and Suggestions.
Registration fees: Rs. 1000/- payable to Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, through N.E.F.T.
Bank Name -State Bank Of India
Branch -Aashiana
City - Lucknow
State -Uttar Pradesh
Country -India
A/C Holder Name-Study Material Account Dr.RMLN LAW UNIVERSITY
Account No.-30913234236
IFSC -SBIN0012734
Submission Guidelines
- The participants must submit an abstract of not more than 250 words briefly explaining the research aims, method findings and discussion.
- The submission of the abstract should be accompanied by a covering letter stating the sub theme selected, name of the author, institution and contact details.
- All abstracts and full-length papers must be mailed to
- Registration will be done only after the acceptance of the abstract during September 29th to October 5th 2015.
- The full length paper has to be submitted by October 8, 2015. The word limit should be 4,000 to 6,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
- The maximum no. of authors per submission is 2.
Formatting Guidelines
- All submissions must be 1.5 spaced in Times New Roman, font size 12 and justified. All footnotes must be in Times New Roman, size 10, single-spacing and justified.
- All submissions must be in conformity with OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities), 4th Edition which may be downloaded from
Last date for submission of abstract: September 28, 2015.
Last date for Submission of Full Papers: October 8, 2015
Click here to download the registration form and brochure.