Call For Blogs : MNLU, Mumbai's CTRCR Forum For Corporate & Commercial Laws


5 Feb 2025 12:24 PM IST

  • Call For Blogs : MNLU, Mumbais CTRCR Forum For Corporate & Commercial Laws
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    The Centre for Training and Research in Commercial Regulations (CTRCR), MNLU Mumbai announces call for blogs for the CTRCR Forum for Corporate & Commercial Laws (FCCL). The Forum aims to foster in-depth dialogue and discussion about the ever-evolving world of commercial and corporate laws.

    The Forum serves as a platform for students, academicians, and professionals to engage in discourse on pertinent issues within various domains of or relating to corporate law, ranging from antitrust law, arbitration law, company law, consumer protection, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, insolvency and banking, intellectual property rights, mergers and acquisitions, securities law, and tax law, etc. The editorial team comprises dedicated members of CTRCR who will review each submission under the supervision of the Centre's leadership. The Forum has developed a rigorous editorial process, including a double-blind peer review to maintain the quality and integrity of the submissions.

    The Centre for Training and Research in Commercial Regulations, Maharashtra National Law University is a student-run centre focused on providing an environment of debate, discussion, research and training in Corporate Law and the areas intertwined with bringing together academicians, professionals, legal experts, economists, regulators, judges and students.

    Submission & Formatting Guidelines

    1. Co-Authorship: Co-authorship is permissible only up to a maximum of two authors.

    2. Word Limit: 1200-1500 words (exclusive of citations).

    3. Body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and line spacing 1.5.

    4. Footnotes: The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and line spacing 1.

    5. Citations must be hyperlinked.

    6. Plagiarism check and double peer bind review.

    Mode of Submission

    1. The submissions can be made via the google form attached here.
    2. The manuscript must be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
    3. The title of the document must correspond to the title of the article.
    4. The manuscript and title itself should not contain any identifying information about the author(s) or institution(s).



    Important Links

    Link to the Blog:

    For more details refer to the brochure here.

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